symmover-logoHave you ever needed to transfer programs and files on a different partition of the same computer? If so, you know that it can be a huge inconvenience to redownload and setup everything. SymMover will help you eliminate some of these headaches.

When you use SymMover, your files actually stay in the same location as the original, the computer just thinks they are the secondary drive or partition. This is ideal if you have a small onboard hard drive like a SSD (Solid Sate Drive) or if you just don’t want the app on your hard drive all the time.

How to use SymMover

There are some requirements to using SymMover. Your computer needs:

  • to be running something newer than XP. Vista/7/8 work well.
  • for you to have admin access.
  • for the program, you are moving to NOT be a process of the machine.

If you meet all of these basic requirements, you’re  good to go.

When you start SymMover for the first time you will see an empty box like this.


To add a program, press the blue plus sign in the middle if this window. You will be presented a list of the possible applications you can move. Alternatively, you can also move folders with files. Just select the other tab at the top of the window.


Once you have selected the application you want to move, it should show up in the left column.symmover-pending-move

To move the file or program, press the arrow pointing to the right. A confirmation window will appear asking you if you are sure the program and destination folder are correct.


When the program is moved, you should not notice a difference in the way it works. To move it back, you will do the process in reverse. Select the program on the right and press the left facing arrow.



If you have a specific folder you’d like to use, you can change the destination folder in the settings. There is a little gear looking icon at the bottom of the row of icons in the center of the main window. There are a couple tabs here, the first tab is where the settings for the destination folder is.


Why would you need to use SymMover

There are a bunch of different scenarios why you may need something like SymMover.

  • small onboard hard drive
  • using applications over partitions if you dual-boot
  • overall disk space-saving



SymMover is a unique approach to space-saving on your disc drive. While most apps are moving to the cloud, there are some that just aren’t logical to have a cloud version. When you need the space on your newer Windows machine and don’t have an option to use a cloud version of certain applications, SymMover may be the solution you’re looking for.

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