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How To Delete All Promotions In Gmail In 3 Simple Steps

Promotion emails can disturb the look and feel of your Gmail inbox. Having a slew of unwanted promotion emails adds to the clutter. It can also cause obstructions in navigation apart from consuming storage space. When you delete all promotions in Gmail, the inbox gets some breathing space. 

In desktop mode, you can see the Gmail Promotions tab below the search bar, which sometimes houses thousands of emails if left unattended for a long time. Moving these unread email messages to the Trash folder in the left column keeps you within the email storage limits and enables finding the essential emails without any hassle. You can also delete all emails in Gmail to keep the inbox clean.

What Are Promotion Emails?

Promotional emails are sent to consumers by companies to advertise products. As consumers, you can receive promotional emails if you subscribe to the mailing lists of blogs or companies. Promotional emails are significantly used in retention marketing as marketers try to cultivate relationships with consumers. It is also a great tool for email marketers, who build mailing lists and send promotional emails to their consumers.

How To Delete All Promotions In Gmail in 3 Steps

Email is an important aspect of our lives on both personal and professional levels. You can find various articles on Gmail on Technorms.com. The option to delete the number of marketing emails in Gmail depends on the user’s requirements. You can delete all promotions in Gmail or simply delete those that aren’t important to you.

How To Delete All Promotions In Gmail

1. Open Gmail inbox and click on the Categories section in the left pane.
2. Select Promotions and check the box to select all emails on one page in the Promotions tab.
3. Then, click on ‘ Select all conversations in Promotions’ and press Delete to empty the promotions tab off excess emails.

Note: These are the basic steps for how to delete all promotions in Gmail. Now, let’s check the details along with the images.

The answer to how to delete all promotions in Gmail exists in your inbox itself. Every email inbox has a separate category that sorts promotional emails. You can delete the emails in those categories to get rid of all the promotions in one go.

Step 1: To start with, sign in to your Gmail. Open your email inbox and click on the Categories section in the left pane.

select the promotions tab
Click on Categories and select Promotions

Step 2: Select the Promotions tab, and then click the checkbox icon in the left corner of the email pane to select all the emails on this page in the Promotions tab.

Step 3: Click on Select all conversations in Promotions to select the list of emails in the Promotions tab. Then press the trash bin icon to empty the promotions tab. Now, you will see a confirmation on the bottom-left side of the screen.

how to delete all promotions in gmail
Select all the emails and delete them

Once you follow the steps mentioned above, your email inbox will be free of all the promotion emails. You can carry out these steps if you don’t want any promotions in your inbox. However, if you want to delete selected emails, you will have to do so manually.

Delete All Promotions in Gmail Using A Filter

If you want to make a separate folder for storing the hundreds of promotions emails in Gmail, including future emails, you can create an email filter. Email filtering helps in sorting incoming emails based on different parameters, such as keywords, size of the email, email subject, email attachment, and date. Once the emails are stored in the folder, you can access that folder and delete all promotions in Gmail (all the emails with a single click).

By using the filtering option with search operators, you can sort out selected promotional emails and perform email deletion as per your requirements. You need to use the filter parameters accordingly for that purpose. Emails in any preferred category can be deleted by this method. 

3 Ways To Block Promotion Emails

If you do not fancy having a bunch of promotional emails cluttering your inbox, it’s better to block them from entering your email inbox. To do so, we need to learn different ways to block these emails. If you use these methods, you delete all Gmail promotions without external help.

1. Reporting Emails As Spam

If an email client is constantly sending you emails about promotions, you can report those types of emails as spam. Doing so will allocate that email to the built-in Spam category.

Open your Gmail and click on a junk mail you want to mark as spam. Then, navigate to the top right corner and click on the three dots. In the drop-down menu, select the ‘Report as spam’ option.

how to report as spam
Click on the three dots and select Report spam

After doing so, this email will be sent to the Spam folder. You can delete the email items manually from that folder. Reporting spam is probably the easiest way to delete all promotions in Gmail permanently.

2. Block Emails

Blocking emails from frequent email senders is a great way to ensure your inbox doesn’t accumulate unnecessary emails. The process for blocking useless emails is similar to reporting spam, albeit with a tiny difference. Instead of selecting the ‘Report spam’ option, you have to click on the ‘Block’ option in the drop-down menu in the top-right side. This will reduce email count to a large extent.

3. Unsubscribe from Mailing Lists

Many times, we visit blogs or websites where we subscribe to their newsletters or create accounts. Our email subscription gives these blogs and websites the right to send emails by providing our email address.

To unsubscribe, open the email address and select the ‘Unsubscribe’ option on the top.

click on unsubscribe
Click on Unsubscribe

If you wish to avoid constant promotional messages, make sure you don’t subscribe to newsletters or any other subscription lists. It’s a good practice to avoid subscribing to too many email lists so that your Gmail inbox doesn’t get cluttered by mass mailing.

Can Promotion Emails be Deleted On A Smartphone?

Yes, you can delete promotional emails on a phone, but that involves manual work. You will require a desktop to create a filter as they cannot be created in Google’s email app. Once you create a filter, you can delete the emails in a folder on a mobile device. Users can also mark promotional emails as spam in the Gmail app and delete them manually from the spam folder on an Android device.

Third-party apps like PaperKarma for Android or JunkMail Stop for iOS also help delete all promotions in Gmail on a mobile device. These applications will help you delete unwanted promotions, credit card offers, or bulky product catalogs and save your storage space.


When we browse the internet and visit various websites and blogs, we often subscribe to promotional emails or newsletters for the latest updates and product announcements. However, some websites send commercial emails to a consumer’s email account beyond measure, thus cluttering the inbox with unwanted email. This compels users to delete all promotions in Gmail for a thorough cleaning process. There are various ways to delete promotions in Gmail to save disk space.

You can delete the promotional emails from the Promotions tab in your inbox. Using Gmail filters will help you create a different folder for storing promotional emails and carrying out the deletion process as and when necessary. It is always a good practice to avoid subscribing to mailing lists unless you feel that they will provide valuable information. The choice of method to delete the unnecessary email and promotional emails rests solely with the users.

(Updated on 13th September 2022)