
Windows 8 has a handful of built-in tools that most users have no clue about. In this post, we’ll go over the Windows Reliability Monitor. The Reliability Monitor gives you statistics on when your system slows down when it crashes and more. This can be a great way to diagnose problems you just can’t seem to find a reason behind and identify patterns.

Let’s look at the Windows 8 Reliability Monitor.


How to use the Reliability Monitor in Windows 8

In order to open the Reliability Monitor in Windows 8, from the Start screen type “Reliability.”


This will open the search window. Click “Settings.”

Now, click on “View reliability history.”


Welcome to the Windows 8 Reliability Monitor.

The Windows Reliability Monitor will assess your system stability on any given day on a scale of one to ten. The higher the stability number, the better off your system is. You can click on any day to get a better picture of what may have caused a lull in your computer.

When you click on a day, you’re given a variety of reliability details to go through. This includes warnings, events, and crash reports.


This can be key information to piece together if something specific is happening on a recurring basis to cause an issue in Windows 8.

As we can see from this day, Adobe Reader had issues being reconfigured but other events were updated properly. This might lead us to believe that there’s an undiagnosed issue with Adobe Reader we need to look into.

Now, we can click on individual warnings to get a better understanding of what happened.

Right-click on an error.

(6) right click

In this case, it looks like Windows tried to work with Adobe Reader and provided us an error number. We can then take this error number to Google and do a search on what it means to better troubleshoot the issue.



What does the Reliability Monitor do for you in Windows 8?

If you’re having unknown issues with stability in Windows 8, the Reliability Monitor is an excellent way to diagnose problems you may never have realized were connected. Not every issue on a PC flashes in front of your face but when issues occur, the Reliability Monitor keeps track. You just have to reach out and use it.